Four Things that MUST Happen for a cow to become pregnant
There are many different ideas
on how to breed cows with a variety of programs and drugs
available in more configurations than one could have
imagined years ago. With so many different ways to approach
the subject, it might be useful to understand the four main
things that must happen for a cow to conceive and settle as
bred. Take away ANY of the
four and the cow will NOT become pregnant no matter what
system is used.
1. Semen Viability- The bull
in the pasture or the A.I. semen straws being used must be
viable for the egg to become fertilized. Bulls should be
tested and semen can be checked under a microscope.
We check any semen that may be questionable by using a drop from the actual straw used to breed the cow. It is advisable to do so because some facilities will mix and match straws before shipping causing one straw to be bad while another from the same cane is good.
2. Cow Fertility- In my opinion, the cow makes up about 50% of the equation. She has to be able to produce a viable egg and conceive an embryo. It sounds straightforward but there are many factors involved. Stress is a big issue with cattle and fertility. While one cow can be roped and chased by dogs and still become bred, while another cow might lose an embryo because it is too hot or she heard thunder and it caused stress. Being in a chute can cause stress so a cow that might breed in the pasture might not conceive via artificial insemination.
3. Timing- This is one of the most misunderstood and difficult issues facing someone using A.I. and it is the one thing a breeder can do to increase his conception rate. Learning to recognize when a cow is in heat and optimum timing is just as important as any other item on this list. A.I. too early and the cow doesn't take; A.I. too late and the cow doesn't take. There is about a four hour window of time to breed a cow that produces the best results. Breeding inside that time frame will increase rates and is about the only thing every breeder has complete control of. Because of the importance, we use spotter bulls and 24/7 video surveillance with night vision to watch cattle and catch heats. Timing is critical and we take it very seriously as it is one of the only two factors we can control.
4. Placement- Semen placement, the other controllable factor, is the result of experience. An A.I. tech with years on the job has been in so many cows he will know when he is in the correct location within the cows reproductive tract. The other benefit of experience is knowing if everything is NOT correct within a cow. This is sometimes more valuable because it could save you from wasting time and money on stock that may never breed. I jokingly tell my students that the first 1000 cows are the hardest and it gets easier after that. It's not far from the truth, because each cow is different and it takes experience with a variety of animals to give the A.I. tech the confidence he needs to know what he is dealing with. ***** Although each of these areas can be expanded, this should give you an idea of the four things that must happen for a cow to become bred. Consider these when planning your breeding program and your results should improve.
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